In response to God’s love, we serve the Lord with gladness! Redeemer offers a wide variety of opportunities for Christian service. To get involved, contact the Church office at 714-846-6330 or
These are the young people enrolled in Confirmation Class, or are confirmed, who assist in worship services. Training is provided by the Pastor as a part of Confirmation Class.
Working together in teams, the Altar Guild carries out the responsibilities associated with preparing the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services. Activities include changing the altar paraments, maintaining the altar candles, changing the banners, organizing the pews, and most importantly, preparing for the celebration of Holy Communion. Both men and women are invited to serve.
This committee accepts Aaron fund donations, manages endowment fund investments, reports fund activity to the congregation and recommends uses for the income from investments.
Classes are held on various subjects. Our most popular classes are in cooking, whether it be International Cooking or Puff Pastries. We also have a Crochet Club for all levels, or just come for fellowship. Other classes: will include: holiday crafting, woodworking, cake decorating, quilting, hors d’oeuvres, wine and cheese tasting, to name a few. If you have a talent to share or have a request for a particular class, let us know. Class scheduling depends on the teacher and when the majority can attend. Some classes are held at the church while others are held in the home. Everyone is welcome.
Contact: Ellen Prior (714) 651-1881 or Doris White (714) 454-2902.
With a friendly smile, a warm handshake, and a cheerful “good morning”, each Greeter creates a welcoming atmosphere for all who enter the church for Sunday morning services. Greeters are very important contributors to Redeemer’s evangelism program, making visitors feel comfortable.
Volunteers meet with other churches and local government representatives to coordinate emergency services, collect emergency tools and equipment, facilitate annual training and advanced training classes in disaster preparedness, first aid, and emergency communications (Ham Radio operators).
The mission of LWML is to assist each woman of the Church in affirming her relationship with the Triune God. Women should feel empowered to use their gifts to spread the Good News and assist in missions in their community and around the world. Our ongoing mission project is Mites for Missions. Through Mites for Missions, congregational members save their pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in special boxes to be used for LWML missions. The Redeemer LWML also provides outreach through Advent by Candlelight (See “Seasonal Events”) and holds meetings occasionally as advertised in the Redeemer Reflections. Service to the Lord is foremost in all LWML activities. All women members of the congregation are automatically members of LWML and are cordially invited to attend. Bring a friend!
Contact: Carol Waidner (714) 846-6330 or
This ministry enables Redeemer volunteers to help members who are shut-in or recovering from surgery or non-contagious illness. Volunteers help with such tasks as picking up prescriptions, providing meals, assisting with light jobs around the house, and providing transportation to doctor’s appointments and to church.
Sanctuary Choir (Adults)
The Sanctuary Choir typically sings two Sundays per month and provides special music for Easter, Christmas, Reformation Sunday, and other major church days. The most important qualification is a desire to praise the Lord in song. The ability to read music is not required, but some musical experience is helpful. The Choir meets each Tuesday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 PM, except during the summer months.
Contact: Church office (714) 846-6330
Celestial Ringers (Confirmation Age – Adults)
This adult handbell choir normally plays for services on the 4th Sunday of the month and provides special music for Easter, Christmas, Reformation Sunday, and other major church days. The ability to read music is helpful, but is not a requirement.
Contact: Church office (714) 846-6330
Hosanna Choir / Children’s Music (Children Ages 2 – 5th Grade)
This choir practices during the Sunday School hour. The children serve a few times per year in our worship services. They also enjoy participating in the Children’s Christmas program on the Sunday before Christmas.
Contact: Bonnie Volkert (714) 697-0617
Although small children are always welcome to worship with their parents in the sanctuary, nursery care is available for all services for infants and children (5 years and under). Volunteers watch over these children so that their parents can participate in the worship service. Necessary supplies such as disposable diapers are provided.
Many opportunities, large and small, are available. Help is needed with office work (proofreading, copying, stamping) and other things around the church. Some tasks can be completed at home.
Campus Outreach
Our volunteers speak the Gospel in love to those outside of our church. There are weekly opportunities to visit the Golden West College campus. Volunteers are needed to design outreach materials and to explore other local venues for Gospel proclamations, e.g. Huntington Beach Pier, other school campuses, job fairs and shopping malls.
Community Outreach Volunteers help with fundraising, provide tutoring, and support sports participation (Junior All American Football). We coordinate with other organizations to explore the possibility of acquiring additional community support such as legal aid, ESL, and scholarship opportunities for local youth.
Homeless Outreach Activities include collecting food and hygiene items and meeting with other churches and organizations to coordinate services offered and formulate strategies to better address the needs of the local homeless population. Redeemer volunteers also serve meals to the hungry monthly at Grace Lutheran Church.
The Redeemer Reflections is the church’s monthly newsletter to members and friends. It is e-mailed, mailed, or distributed by the first of each month. If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically, please give your e-mail address to the church office. The Reflections includes regular features such as “From the Pastor’s Study”, Bible study schedules, and variety of things that are happening around the church.
Editor: Elaine Ohgi
This group makes scrip available for purchase after each service. Proceeds from gift cards sold at Redeemer support the Building Fund or the Preschool.
Contact: Steve Snyder (562) 598-6902
These are Redeemer’s welcoming ambassadors. They welcome members and guests, assist with the worship services. Behind the scenes, the ushers also provide hospitality by setting up after-service refreshments on the patio. Men, women, and young adults are encouraged to serve in this capacity.
This group manages the care and upkeep of the church property. They do regular maintenance and larger improvement projects.
Contact: Jason Duffey (714) 418-3436
During Advent and Lenten seasons, Soup Suppers or other informal meals are served in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 PM, prior to the Wednesday evening 7:00 PM worship services. Dishes are donated by various members of the congregation. Volunteers are needed to provide food, help set up, serve, or clean up after supper.