Redeemer’s Sunday School is a place for kids to come, learn, and grow in a Christian environment that is loving, nurturing, and fun! Rooted in the Gospel of God’s grace, our Sunday School is dedicated to teaching the Word of God and assisting children in their spiritual growth.
We ask that everyone wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before coming into the Fellowship Hall. We will start with a craft as usual and then have the lesson all together, with age-appropriate materials for all. Parents should stay with their children to help with the transition. We will have plenty of room to socially distance in the Fellowship Hall with each family sitting at their own round table. If anyone is sick with a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc. please do not attend in person.
Growing In Christ From Concordia Publishing House
Our Sunday School teachers are welcoming, friendly and enthusiastic about sharing Christ’s love with children. Classes are led by one or two volunteers who are responsible for planning, preparing and carrying out the year’s program. These caring teachers bring children the “Good News” through study of the Bible, crafts, games, singing and other engaging activities.
The Growing in Christ curriculum is Christ-centered, innovative, relevant, engaging, and creative! It is filled with age-appropriate activities and teaching tools that engage children in meaningful and relevant interaction with God’s Word.
Sunday School meets every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 AM in our Fellowship Hall. We kick off with a craft, and then break out into age-appropriate classes. Classes are offered for ages 3 through 8th grade.
The Sunday School program also sponsors fellowship activities each month during the school year. Children are also invited to participate by singing in worship services Palm Sunday, Christmastime and periodically during the school year.
A BIG THANK YOU to all our teachers, helpers, and volunteers in the Sunday School Program. You have graciously given your time and energy to assist children in their spiritual growth. Thank you for volunteering your time and talents for the service of the Lord.
Volunteers are always welcome for Substitute Teaching. Please call Bonnie Volkert or the Church office if you are interested in helping.
Bonnie Volkert: 714-697-0617 or
Church office: 714-846-6330 or