Redeemer supports the sanctity of life, not only in our worship and teaching but also in our interactions with the culture around us.
LCMS Life Library — Sanctity of Life
Human life is not an achievement; it is an endowment. It has measureless value, because every individual, at every stage of development and every state of consciousness, is known and loved by God. This is the source of human dignity and the basis for human equality. Click on the link below to download a copy of “That They May Have Life” issued by the LCMS President’s Commission on the Sanctity of Life.
Lutherans for Life
Our Mission: Equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life.
Our Vision: Every Lutheran, both individually and in community, upholding the God-given value of human life and influencing society to do the same.
Lutherans For Life believes that every human life—from conception to natural death regardless of physical or mental challenges or condition of dependence—is precious in God’s sight.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic
We provide caring and personal support to those in crisis pregnancy situations. From before the baby with pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, to after birth with classes, resources, and products, we provide a multitude of services for free with love. Post-abortive recovery groups for men and women are available as well. Click on the link below for HPC locations and more information about the services provided.
LCMS Life Conference
Virtual conference March 19-20, 2021
2021 Lutherans for Life Regional Conferences
AUGUST 21 – Faith Community Lutheran Church, Summerlin (Las Vegas), Nevada
OCTOBER 16 – Living Word Free Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
NOVEMBER 13 – St. John’s Lutheran Church, Conover, North Carolina