“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
The mission of the Board of Evangelism of Redeemer Lutheran Church is to equip each member with the tools and desire to reach out to our community with the Gospel, and provide opportunities for our neighbors to join in fellowship with the members of Redeemer.
Below are some of the activities and programs that the Evangelism board is responsible for. Events are designed to provide fellowship amongst Redeemer members and to provide opportunities for our friends and neighbors to visit our church and see what we are about. It is our hope that seeds will be planted through the work of the Holy Spirit and that we witness the promise of Isaiah 55:11 — “My word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Annual Christmas Concert
The annual Christmas Concert is typically held in early December in the church Sanctuary. The event showcases the musical talents of various groups and soloists performing Christian and secular Christmas music. Past acts have included brass quintet, carolers, classical guitar, handbells, organist and vocal soloists.
Visitors Gift Bag Program
This program is designed to provide visitors to our Sunday services with an immediate response thanking them for being our guest. Gift bags contain selected tracts, and pamphlets describing our Lutheran beliefs, tea, coffee, hot cocoa and a special thank you card. Immediately following 2nd service volunteers are to review the guest sign in book and worship cards for 1st time visitors, if an address is provided a volunteer will drop a guest bag off at their home on Sunday afternoon.
Visitor Followup
As another way to let visitors know we appreciated them as a guest at Redeemer, members of the Evangelism board either contact visitors via a telephone call or a personal visit to their home. Additional information about Redeemer Lutheran Church and School is shared at this time as well as an offer to assist with any additional help they might need in selecting a church home. This contact is made within the first week of their visit.
Web Site
The Redeemer web site had humble beginnings but over the years has continued to grow in its outreach opportunities. The addition of podcasting our sermons and Bible studies has provided an evangelism opportunity that reaches beyond Huntington Beach to the nation and the world! Our fifth generation web site has many new features that will become an excellent resource for members and friends of Redeemer.
Information Cart
The information cart seen every Sunday in the breezeway leading to the Narthex is maintained and kept current for the season by a member of the board.
Banners And Monument Sign
Wall banners along Springdale are ordered and hung by the board as well as maintaining and updating the weekly quotes on the Redeemer monument sign (marquee).
The board is responsible for newsprint ads for special services and events such as Easter, Reformation Sunday, Christmas, concerts, etc.
If you would like to participate or help with any of the functions sponsored by the Evangelism Board you are always welcome to join us. Please speak to any Board member to get more information.