Old and New Testament Catechesis
Old and New Testament Catechesis class for 6th grade is held on Sundays between September and June, usually meeting in Pastor’s office 9:30-10:30 AM. An option to have a virtual meeting may be available as needed. This class has sometimes been called Pre-Confirmation.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation class for 7th and 8th grade (and older grades if needed) is held between September and June. Confirmands take classes in consultation with Pastors and parents, spending two years studying the Scriptures and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Since the Small Catechism was written for the head of the family to teach to his household, parents are encouraged to be active participants in the confirmands’ learning. Confirmands can also receive support from Pastor Jim Toma or SMP Candidate Tom Miller in the music room on Sunday mornings 9:30-10:30 AM.
It is the practice of this congregation to combine young adult study of the Scriptures with preparation for Holy Communion, so after successfully completing the two-year cycle, confirmands are admitted to the Lord’s Table. In some cases, they may already be admitted if they previously completed the Early Communion class.
What Is Confirmation?
The purpose of Confirmation at Redeemer Lutheran Church is to partner with parents in order to help their children:
- receive careful instruction in the basic teachings of the Bible as drawn from Luther’s Small Catechism. These chief parts drawn from Scripture are the 10 Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Holy Baptism, Confession and Absolution & the Office of the Keys, and the Lord’s Supper;
- prepare for a public confession of the faith first given to them in Baptism by the washing of regeneration in the Holy Spirit (Titus 2) and to affirm that this congregation believes, teaches, and confesses this faith as drawn from the Word of God and the Catechism;
- prepare to participate in the Lord’s Supper having thoroughly studied what God’s Word and the Catechism teach concerning this gift of God’s forgiveness of sins given in, with, and under bread and wine (if they have already gone through Early Communion class and participate in the Lord’s Supper, they will still benefit from further study);
- grow in the faith given to them in Baptism by laying a foundation for the whole Christian life; (In other words, Confirmation is not graduation!)
- continue in their regular attendance of the Divine Service where God serves His people in Word and Sacrament;
- reaffirm the promises given to them in Baptism and therefore pledge to live godly lives according to the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit; and
- rejoice in fellowship of the body of Christ, the Church, as they are gathered together with fellow confirmands, their Pastors, and members of the congregation by their Savior for life together under the blessings of the cross.
Course Objectives
(CO 1) The student should be able to explain how he/she is saved.
(CO 2) The student should be able to name, explain, and summarize the importance of each of the six chief parts of the faith as taught in Luther’s Small Catechism.
(CO 3) The student should be able to recite the 10 Commandments, the Apostles Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.
(CO 4) The student should be able to explain some key differences between Lutheran theology and American evangelicalism.
(CO 5) The student should be able to explain some ways Lutheran theology conflicts with the post-modern world view.
(CO 6) The student should be able to identify how they will continue to minister as part of the local congregation.
Click here for the Course Map (PDF, opens in new window).