Redeemer Lutheran’s Mission Statement: Redeemer Lutheran is enabled by God’s grace to witness clearly to Christ and His Word through caring service.
Now in our 56th year of serving the Lord in the community of Huntington Beach, we continue to move forward in faith under the Scriptural banner of “Clear Witness + Caring Service – Together”.
There is a rhythm to our Christian life, a divine dialogue where God speaks and we respond. Gift and Response. God gives us his forgiveness, life, and salvation in Word and Sacrament; and we respond in thanks and praise. Gift and response. This is the language of the Christian faith, as illustrated in the picture to the right.
Our life together at Redeemer Lutheran Church is no different. Gift and Response. God loves us. We love others. God gives us eternal life. We respond in our life with thanks, praise, offerings, and our lives of stewardship. God serves us, we serve our neighbor in Christian love and humility – all sustained by God’s grace in Word and Sacrament.
God has richly blessed our congregation. And, now by his grace, we look for ways to share these blessings with others in our congregation and community this coming year. In order to facilitate this, the pastor, vicar, and elders have been hard at work outlining what we’re about here at Redeemer Lutheran. And we’ve come up with the following three headings that fit our mission statement above: Confessing the Faith, Laying Foundations, Planting Seeds. After each section you will find a number of goals (short and long term) that will guide us in keeping with Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20) and equip the saints for service in love (Ephesians 4).
Please take the time to read the following priorities and goals for the upcoming year, pray for our life together in Christ, and look for opportunities to serve our congregation and surrounding community in the coming year.
Pastor Tom Miller