The Mission of the Board of Christian Education of Redeemer Lutheran Church is to promote and support the educational and spiritual growth of Redeemer’s members and visitors by planning, providing and administering Bible-based Christian education for all ages. Several programs are in place to help us accomplish this.
Jesus Christ makes disciples by baptizing and teaching. The spiritual health of any congregation is directly related to the quality of adult Bible classes offered and the involvement of the congregation in those classes. CLICK HERE for more information about our current adult Bible studies.
Sunday Mornings
The main Sunday morning study meets in the Sanctuary between services from 9:30 – 10:30 AM and is taught by Pastor Jim Toma or Tom Miller (Elder). Studies may include a specific book of the Bible, an important topic of Christianity, a period or event in Christian history, contemporary issues affecting our faith, other denominations or faiths, and the Lutheran Confessions (Small and Large Catechism, Augsburg Confession, etc). A second Sunday morning study is sometimes available concurrently in the Priscilla Circle Room, taught by Rick Ritchie.
All junior and senior high Youth are invited to join the fun and fellowship as they study God’s Word every Sunday morning from 9:30 -10:30 AM in the Youth Room. Once a month “Breakfast Club” feeds everyone who comes.
Contact: Pastor Jim Toma (714) 846-6330
Midweek Worship & Bible Study
During times of COVID, a midweek service is held in the Sanctuary from 7:00 – 7:45 PM followed by Bible study in the fellowship Hall starting at 8:00 PM. At other times a Service of Evening Prayer may be held from 6:30 – 7:00 PM followed by Bible study in the fellowship Hall. The midweek study is led by Pastor Jim Toma.
Contact: Pastor Jim Toma (714) 846-6330
Coffee, Women and Scripture
The women of Redeemer are invited to gather for Bible study and fellowship on Friday mornings outside Priscilla Circle or on Zoom from 10:00 – 11:30 AM. The study is led by Deaconess Pat Anderson.
Contact: Deaconess Pat Anderson (714) 824-0027
Saturday Breakfast Bible Study
Christian Education hosts a monthly Breakfast Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM, topics to be announced, often led by one or more guest speakers. The study is preceded by a breakfast bar at 8:30 AM.
Contacts: Pastor Jim Toma (714) 846-6330, or email Brian Viers
Between September and June, Confirmands (students in confirmation class) meet once a week for three years to study the Scriptures and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. After successfully completing the two-year cycle the Confirmand is admitted to the Lord’s Table. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in the Confirmands’ learning and are invited to sit in on weekly classes. Confirmands usually begin classes as they enter the sixth or seventh grade in consultation with Pastors and parents. Opportunities to tutor students and help in the pastors’ instruction of the Confirmands are available.
Contact: Pastor Jim Toma (714) 846-6330
All baptized children from infancy to age three are included in the Cradle Roll. Its purpose is to provide parents with suggestions and resources to aid their children’s development through periodic letters and various other materials.
Contact: Damara Wingerd
Six week-long “Back to Basics” adult information classes are held periodically. These classes are designed for those who are interested in learning more about the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith as rediscovered in the Lutheran Reformation. The classes cover the teachings of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, comparative beliefs of other faiths, and questions relating to what Lutherans believe and teach. The Bible and the Small Catechism of Martin Luther are used as textbooks, and are supplemented by contemporary and historical information. Information classes are highly recommended for persons wishing to become members of the congregation and are a helpful “refresher” for current members.
Contact: Pastor Jim Toma (714) 846-6330
Redeemer’s Sunday School is a place for kids to come, learn, and grow in a Christian environment that is loving, nurturing, and fun! Rooted in the Gospel of God’s grace, our Sunday School is dedicated to teaching the Word of God and assisting children in their spiritual growth. Children age three through 5th grade celebrate God’s love with Christ-centered music and Bible story lessons every Sunday from 9:30 – 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The Sunday School program also sponsors various fellowship activities during the school year. Additionally, the children are also invited to praise Him in song during worship services as the Hosanna Choir on Palm Sunday, Christmastime, and other occasions during the school year. Hosanna Choir rehearsals are held in the Music Room immediately following Sunday School when conditions permit.
Visitors and newcomers are always welcome! Sunday School does make a difference in a child’s life.
Contact: Bonnie Volkert or Deaconess Pat Anderson
VBS is an exciting week-long outreach program for children age three through 5th grade. Kids of the congregation and community explore the Gospel truths of Jesus Christ through song, activities, crafts and group interaction. Please visit the VBS page for more information.
Contact: Bonnie Volkert (714) 963-7109