Though gathering is difficult these days, LCMS Life Ministry believes that proclaiming the truth of life’s value from conception to natural death is as important as ever. The first-ever virtual LCMS Life Conference will be held March 19–20. This virtual conference over Zoom will feature livestreamed and on-demand videos. Learn about a distinctly Lutheran understanding of the sanctity of life from speakers, including: Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, LCMS president; Timothy Goeglein, Focus on the Family vice president of External and Government Relations; and Deaconess Tiffany Manor, director of LCMS Life Ministry. Virtual participants can watch all in-person events and submit chat prayer requests and questions for the speakers to address.
Cost is $20 for the full conference experience on Friday and Saturday and $40 for a premium registration which allows access to all content for 90 days. Registration is open NOW! To register or learn more, visit