Join Us For Church Services – Click Here
Sunday morning services will be familiar to some and a new experience for others. The services revolve around the Word of God in what is heard, said and sung.
- Families are encouraged to worship together. We do not exclude young children from worshipping with their parents in the sanctuary.
- Redeemer Lutheran provides a staffed nursery during services for children five years old and younger.
- Although pew Bibles and hymnals are provided, you are encouraged to bring your personal Bible and follow along during the readings and sermon.
- Attire should be appropriate for the Lord’s house, as you are able. We ask men to take off caps / hats as a show of reverence for the Lord’s house.
- The Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month. For more information on who is invited to receive the Lord’s Supper at Redeemer Lutheran, please go to “Join Us for Church Services.”
- Services usually include a “Children’s Message” on those Sundays the Lord’s Supper is not celebrated. Your child is encouraged to come to the front of the sanctuary to learn more about the Biblical theme of the day.
- You are encouraged to respond to the Bible readings, prayers and special music with a hearty “Amen.”
- We ask that out of respect for the Lord’s services, cell phones be silenced and put away.
- At Redeemer Lutheran, our guests are not asked to identify themselves, stand up or wear name stickers. (We do have a welcome gift that is available from the ushers or pastor if you wish.)
- Faith-strengthening Bible studies between the two Sunday morning services for children, youth and adults.
Please come and check out Sunday morning services and studies. They are the indispensable core of all we’re about at Redeemer Lutheran Church and School.