The previous Top Ten list (CLICK HERE) examined ways that the Gospel is abused, misused and confused. With that in mind, we examine the top ten ways that the Law is abused, misused and confused.
The Law is abused, misused and confused:
- 10. When God’s commands concerning what we ought to do is taught so as to imply we can do it (i.e. preaching the Law in Rosie-the-Riveter-style).
- 9. When the Law is presented as moral subjectivity, personal preference or mere conventional imperative for civil life together.
- 8. When the Law is taught in a saccharine manner, softening the Scriptural judgment, condemnation, diagnoses and systemic consequence of sin. Remember, Lex Semper Accusat – the Law always accuses.
- 7. When Jesus is turned into a new Moses, a cheerleader or swim coach with respect to the Law’s demands, leading to Pharisaism or despair (such as Judas felt).
- 6. When it is taught that the Law motivates to good works, righteousness, prosperity and life (spiritual and physical).
- 5. When the Christian, after receiving the gift of faith in Christ, thinks the Law is no longer necessary in this life.
- 4. When the Christian, after receiving the gift of faith in Christ, returns to the Law as a means of justification and sanctification.
- 3. When the Law is turned into a ladder, a checklist, a purpose-driven manual, a guide to Christian perfection, a self-help book or a means to achieve an earthly political/cultural utopia.
- 2. When the Law is not preached in its full sternness.
- 1. When the Law is used to comfort terrified sinners.