10. The pastor thinks he is quoting Scripture when he says, “God helps those who help themselves.” (It’s actually from Benjamin Franklin and you can’t find this theology in Scripture.)
9. The church has stopped praying for the president and started praying to him.
8. When the pastor appears on CNN or CBS and mentions more about himself or his latest 30-day sex challenge than Jesus’ death on the cross for the life of the world.
7. The music at church sounds more like VH1’s greatest love-ballads of all time, than worshiping with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven.
6. When every other sermon you hear begins with the “5 ways to _____________” – you fill in the blank.
5. “Me and I” function as the subject of the verbs on a regular basis in the prayers, hymns, and sermon instead of Jesus Crucified for your sins.
4. The pastor or church leadership thinks it is insensitive to correct false doctrine in the Christian Church. (The church that cannot curse, cannot bless.)
3. The steady diet you are fed in Bible studies, small groups, sermons, etc. is the equivalent to spiritual junk-food and not spiritual steak and potatoes (or veggie burgers if you are vegetarian)!
2. You can’t tell much difference between the church service and an episode of Dr. Phil or Oprah.
1. All of the aforementioned methods seem perfectly suitable for the Christian church to be using in order to spread the Gospel of Christ Crucified.