Redeemer Lutheran Church Huntington Beach, CA is a congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

Week of February 9 – 16

Sun 2/9:  8:00 AM (livestream) and 11:00 AM Divine Service, Pastor Tom Miller liturgist, Guest Pastor Kerry Duerr preaching.
9:30 AM Bible Study “Colossians”, Sunday School, Confirmation.

Mon 2/10:  6:00 PM Celestial Ringers.

Tue 2/11:  7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir.

Thu 2/13:  7:30 PM Church Council (Fellowship Hall).

Sat 2/15:  8:30/9:00 AM Breakfast Bible Study with Pastor Mark Jasa (Fellowship Hall, Zoom).
5:30 PM Faith, Hope and Tabletop Board Games (Fellowship Hall).

Sun 2/16:  8:00 AM (livestream) and 11:00 AM Divine Service, Guest Pastor Glenn Fluegge.
9:30 AM Bible Study “LCMS Missionaries with LBT”, Sunday School, Confirmation.
12:00-2:00 PM Open House at the Parsonage. 

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